This overview is not comprehensive, and readers should refer to the official policy before moving through the process. A strong emphasis is placed on members and guests ability to manage conflicts through communication before formalizing issues.
Any club or staff member can submit a complaint about a conflict, moving through the escalation process:
1. It is first expected that the complainant address their concerns directly to the respondent and attempt to resolve between themselves.
2. If this is not reasonable or the matter does not become resolved, the complaint should be taken verbally to the Manager. They will serve as an informal mediator between the complainant and the other individual.
3. If it cannot be resolved by the mediator, a formal complaint can be made online through to the Commodore.
4. A Conflict Resolution Committee may be struck by the executive committee who will investigate the issue. They may decide to hold a hearing between both parties with a dispute, to be held within 14 days of the formal complaint submission.
5. In serious cases, a formal hearing at the executive committee meeting may be arranged.
For full details, refer to the official policy.