Membership Application Process
Membership in Kitsilano Yacht Club is open to the public and becoming a member of KYC is quite straightforward!
To get started, simply complete the online membership application form. There is no application or initiation fee.
New members require a sponsor. If you’ve already arranged for a current member to sponsor you, just include their name on your application. If you don’t yet know any members, don't worry! We will assist you with this once we receive your application.
After you submit your application, a club representative will reach out to you shortly. If you have any questions about the membership or application process in the meantime, feel free to contact our Membership Director, Carmen, at
Once your application is approved by the Executive Committee, you’ll be invited to make an online payment. After submitting your payment, please contact the Membership Director or Club Manager to arrange your orientation.
We look forward to welcoming you to KYC!
Membership Categories
Standard Member: For persons who sail or use the club regularly and participate in club-sponsored events.
Non-Resident Member: Applies to any member who, for the current year, will ordinarily be living outside the Greater Vancouver area and will not ordinarily be participating in Club-sponsored events or use Club facilities. Proof of address is required. Non-resident members do not share the same privileges as Standard Members: Non-Resident Members are not eligible for vessel storage and may not vote.
Student/Junior Member: For those persons, aged 19-23 years, who are enrolled full-time in an accredited college or university. This type of membership also applies to young persons 10-18 years of age wishing to participate in the junior activities of the Club.
Children: Applies to children of standard and new standard members 18 years and younger. Children automatically become Junior Members upon application without payment of any fees or assessments. Children are not entitled to vote.
Please refer to our
Club Bylaws (rev. 2016) for details.
Volunteer Requirement
At KYC, we take great pride in our strong volunteer spirit, which is one of the key reasons why our membership rates remain so affordable.
All members are expected to contribute 10 volunteer hours per season (March 1 to the following February 28/29). We encourage members to use their skills to help maintain the facilities and equipment, assist at events, or volunteer at our regattas. Please note that Co-op members are required to contribute an additional five hours annually for Co-op-specific tasks. Volunteer opportunities are regularly announced by the Volunteer Manager, Club Manager and Caretaker.
The Executive Committee sets a value on this volunteer time - for the 2025/2026 season, the rate has been maintained at $15/hour.
Upon joining KYC and at the start of each renewal cycle, members are charged for their full volunteer commitment for the upcoming season at that year’s rate. Members are expected to fulfill their volunteer commitment by the end of the season and ensure their hours are accurately recorded in the Club Express system. All approved volunteer hours worked will be credited at the current hourly rate on the following year's renewal invoice, to a maximum of 10 hours for Standard Members and a maximum of 15 hours for Co-op Members.
Fee Structure 2025
Membership and storage fees are assessed periodically by the Executive Committee. Fees increased approximately 3% to 4% on most items for the 2025/2026 year over last season.
Please note that all membership and storage fees are due on annually on or before March 1st. Fees for new members who join part way through the season will not be pro-rated.
GST will be added to all fees and PST will be charged on gate fobs.
Membership |
Student / Junior
Co-op Program |
Paddleboard, Kayak & Sailboat use |
$180 |
Please see the Co-op Program page for more details. |
Boat Storage
Fee |
Martin 242
$1,600 |
Cal 20
Santana 20 |
$1,750 |
5O5 |
$1,015 |
Fireball |
$1,015 |
Pirateer |
$1,015 |
Davidson |
$620 |
Europe |
$620 |
Mirror |
$620 |
Laser - on dolly |
$620 |
Laser - on rack |
$325 |
Rowboat - in shelter |
$900 |
Optimist - on rack
Tender within footprint |
$155 |
KYC is a one-design facility. Applications to include a new sailboat fleet at the club should be discussed with the Manager.
Small Craft - Rack Storage (Note - fee is per vessel) |
Fee |
OC1/OC2 |
$205 |
Stand Up Paddleboard (SUP)
$190 |
Kayak/Canoe storage |
$205 |
Windsurfer |
$180 |
Rack-stored equipment is priced at standard sizes, additional charges may apply for oversized items. |
All stored vessels are required to display a KYC Identification Decal, which are distributed annually at renewal.
Ancillary Fees
Fee |
Locker – small
Locker – medium
Locker – large
Paddle locker |
$37 |
Gate fob **
$52 |
Sail Canada ( formerly CYA )
Crane launch initiation
$630 |
** All new members require a gate fob to access the grounds and clubhouse. Gate fobs are not transferable or refundable and must not be cloned. Cloning your fob or allowing others to use your fob is a serious breach of your membership and KYC policy, and your membership may be in jeopardy as a result. If you require others to access the club on your behalf, please contact the Manager in advance.